L o o k a l i k e s

The silence of the drives
Simon Archer Jeffrey Dahmer ("The Milwaukee Cannibal")
Doubtless Simon has been heard to make Cannibal-esque noises after a few pints, but the real similarity lies in the multitude of disembodied A1200s and A600s that form the heart of his wacky creations. People have claimed to recognise the sticky "j" key on the Frankenstein-inspired "Suzanne" as their own, yet the evil drunken laughs serve well to hide the truth behind Suzanne's true origins.
A techie bloke ther was
Geoffrey Chaucer Simon Goodwin
While both of the individuals pictured here have been on pilgrimages of one form or another (although there weren't many Amiga shows around in the 14th Century), they also share a flair for writing. While Simon's coverage of the deeper technicalities isn't quite as scathing, it's best not to ask about his opinion of UAE.